I Believe in God the Father Almighty:

When humankind first walked on the earth, they had a belief in a higher power.

Someone or something that controlled the lives of the people, that was more powerful than them, that had the power to give life and take it.

The All Powerfull God:

We can imagine when the first-time primitive man
saw a lightning storm, or a volcano erupt,
or a meteor shower in the night sky.

They must have been terrified and conscious of their human vulnerability.

Their existence and their family existence were very precarious and could change dramatically at any time.

We can see in ancient cafe drawings how they tried to appease this higher power and get its protection.


Sacred Ground:

When they came upon a place that was different, a strange shaped rock, a top of a mountain, a clearing in a forest.
Some place different from what they expected.

This place became special.

In many cultures these places are still Sacred today.
Like Ayers Rock in Australia for the Aboriginal people or Newgrange in the Boyne Vally.

Faith and Reson:

Today thanks to modern science and advances in technology we understand much more than our ancestors.

Science does not deny the existence of God.
Many prominent scientists have either had a straightforward belief in the Christian concept of God, or else have accepted the existence of some form of supreme supernatural creative intelligence. These scientists include Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Charles Darwin, Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, George Boole, Albert Einstein.

Irish times Feb 24,1997 Dr William Reville:


The Beauty of God in Creation:

All around us is the beauty of Creation.
When we see a new born baby, or look at the sky on a clear night and gaze on the multitude of stars.

When we hear a birds singing at Dawn or twilight,
or the Cuckoo herald in Spring.

We are awestruck with Creation.

The Hidden Beauty in Plain View:

When we look and listen 
it is possible  see the beauty around us,
and wonder at the marvel of Creation and it’s Creator.
No matter what our belief.


Abba, Father:

As Christians we have the privilege
to call the Creator of all the universe, Father

“I Believe in God the Father Almighty,
Creator of Heaven and Earth.”


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