For Christians it is a privilege and joy to give an accounting for the hope that is within them and to do so with gentleness and respect (cf. 1 Peter 3:15). 

 Jesus Christ is the supreme witness (cf. John 18:37). Christian witness is always a sharing in his witness, which takes the form of proclamation of the kingdom, service to neighbour and the total gift of self even if that act of giving leads to the cross. Just as the Father sent the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit, so believers are sent in mission to witness in word and action to the love of the triune God. 

The example and teaching of Jesus Christ and of the early church must be the guides for Christian mission.
For two millennia Christians have sought to follow Christ’s way by sharing the good news of God’s kingdom (cf. Luke 4:16-20). 

Creed session 1: What is Creed

Creed Session 2: Apostles Creed

Creed Session 3: Nicene Creed

Creed Session 4: I Believe in God

Creed Session 5: I Believe in Jesus Christ

Creed Session 6: I Believe in the Holy Spirit